Celebrating Sukkot with an abundance of joy, October 16 – October 23
Sukkah Raising
Sunday, October 13
10:00am, Sacred Garden
Sign up to help Larry Kluger build and decorate the Temple's sukkah. Choose from three teams listed below; assembly, installing lights, and hanging the flower wall. All tools and supplies will be provided. No experience necessary, but please plan to wear comfortable clothing and footwear.
Bagel Bite Bake-In
Sunday, October 13
10:00am, Temple Sinai Kitchen
Join the Bagel Fairy and some of her friends for a special Sukkot bake-in. It is traditional to eat stuffed foods during Sukkot because we are so full of joy at this time of the year. We’ll bake Bagel Bites — balls of bagel dough filled with cream cheese. The Bagel Bites will be served following the erev Sukkot service on Wednesday, October 16. We need volunteers to shape, boil, and bake the Bagel Bites. No experience needed! Please sign up below to help.
Sign Up Here
Erev Sukkot
Wednesday, October 16
Erev Sukkot Service and Mensches & Machers Volunteer Celebration
5:30pm, Volunteer Reception, Albers Chapel and Sacred Garden
7:00pm, Erev Sukkot Service, Sukkah and Sacred Garden
Inviting all Temple Sinai Mensches and Machers to our 2nd annual volunteer celebration. As a toast to, you, our dedicated volunteers, join us for this special event and to take home your commemorative wine glass.
Hundreds of congregants keep Temple Sinai strong by volunteering their time. If you have given your time to volunteer you are invited to join us for the festivities.
We will join together in the Sacred Garden under the sukkah for food, drink, entertainment and a gift of appreciation.
We will be creating our second annual anthology, Mensches & Machers: Reflections of Temple Sinai. This year’s question is "What is your Meaningful and Memorable volunteer story?” Your submitted written response will be included in the 2024/5785 edition. It can be a few words or a few pages! Submit your written response by October 4, 2024 to Terrie Goren, Executive Director at VolunteerCelebration@oaklandsinai.org and we’ll include it in the printed anthology. Let us know if you are willing to share your stories at the celebration.
Join us as we celebrate our congregants who keep Temple Sinai strong by volunteering their time, then welcome Sukkot with song and prayer. All are welcome to attend.